I think I have a Secret Pal in The Netherlands :) I received this lovely card just a couple of days ago with the pretty stitch marker on the side (see the lower corner of the scan!). I'm quite sure that I didn't mention anywhere that I used to like celestial themes a lot and still kind of like them. The sun adorable! Thanks for spoiling me,  Triconette, and the address was written so that the envelope found me so no need to worry :)

The SP12 blog question of the week : What is your favorite summertime drink??

That is a bit difficult to answer bacause I don't think that there's just one I could say. It'd be boring to say : water but that's probably what I drink most! I don't drink hot stuff as much during the summer than other seasons. Vanilla Coke is always nice ... but let's say : Kool Aid is cool. But I wouldn't drink it  ;)


Mulla taitaa olla salainen kaveri Hollannissa... Tällainen kortti ja silkmukkamerkki tulivat postissa :)